use strict;
use Win32::IEAutomation;
my $VERSION = "1.0";
if($#ARGV != 1)
print "\n";
print "************************************************************\n";
print "Usage: Gmail.pl
print "Gmail.pl - Login to gmail account with Internet Explorer.\n";
print "- Chetan Giridhar \n";
print "************************************************************\n";
# Creating new instance of Internet Explorer.
my $ie = Win32::IEAutomation->new( visible => 1, maximize => 1);
# Navigating to www.google.com.
# Finding hyperlinks and clicking them
# Using 'linktext:' option (text of the link shown on web page)
$ie->getLink('linktext:', "Gmail")->Click;
my $user = $ARGV[0];
my $password = $ARGV[1];
# Using 'name:' option
$ie->getTextBox('name:', "Email")->SetValue($user);
$ie->getTextBox('name:', "Passwd")->SetValue($password);
# Finding button and clicking it
# using 'caption:' option
$ie->getButton('caption:', "Sign in")->Click;