Monday, April 12, 2010

Python: Load DLL

Hi guys,
Posting after a long time...but life had been busy and marriage really takes a toll on you. he he...jokes apart...
Meanwhile I have concentrated my energies on Python language. looks cool! Something in between Perl and C++ as I would like to put it.

Here's a small code that can show you the power of python:

Problem Statement:
What if you get a DLL file and you want to quickly test some of the exported APIs? Any ideas?

Python provides you one.

Code snippet:
from ctypes import *
libc = windll.LoadLibrary('C:\\Windows\\System32\\kernel32.dll') #loads library
x = libc.GetModuleHandleA(None) #get the return type of GetModuleHandleA API
del libc #closes libc handler

In this code: we load kernel32.dll file and pass None argument to GetModuleHandleA function of the Dll.

Similarly you could customize this small code for your use.
Simple and quick!

Enjoy! Please do comment!

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